The Three

The Three
Bug, Mr. Chubbs and LalaBear May 2010

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The age old Battle between Formula Feeding and Breastfeeding

Ok so EVERYONE has a side to this issue.. You have the people who either COULD NOT breastfeed (for whatever reason) Did not WANT to breastfeed (for whatever reason) and then you have the breast feeders. It's pretty natural to breastfeed. I mean this is how we've fed our infants from the time of man.
Formula is a new invention.. started up about 50 years ago or so. It's basically MOCK Boob Juice in a can. Now i admit it, I'm a breast feeder. I don't like formula, even though my oldest was  fed it. I regret everyday that I gave her formula, under the ignorant guise of it being what is best for her. It wasn't, plain and simple.

So I'm on one of the online message board i go to daily (  and I happened to come across some pictures of people's "emergency stock piles"  and i kept seeing cans upon cans of formula.  It made me think.
If you were hit with a tornado or something and had to use your stock pile... wouldn't it be better to breastfeed rather than formula feed? so say that the public water system was contaminated or something and you had to live off of the water storage you had... mixing formula would deplete that storage quicker than if you were breastfeeding (since only the mother is drinking from the water storage, and not mother and the formula fed baby)

So i posted these thoughts and asked the ladies why they had formula in their stockpiles when it seems that it's more of a resource depleter than if you just simply breastfeed.  I never ONCE said anything about them as mothers, or anything about formula feeding. I was hoping for a logic based discussion about this....

But i got slapped with angry mothers that formula feed. basically saying "saying I'm a bad mother for formula feeding is hurtful and mean"

Uh.... Where did i say that you were a bad mother?  NEVER!
I was just curious as to see what they thought. that's all.

This age old battle against each other has GOT TO STOP.  It doesn't matter how we feel about formula feeding or breastfeeding... As long as the parents understand that formula is NOT breast milk and have done the research on it, then it's not a huge deal.
We put each other down because of our convictions on this matter... when we should be supporting each other, spreading correct information to each other and loving each other for who we are.

It's time to give up the fight about who and what is better.. and just embrace our humanity and strive for a healthy, happy race.

Don't you think so?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Going Gluten Free

Ok so I've been having gut issues since LalaBear was born 5 1/2 years ago. I truly think that my pregnancy and birth with her is what triggered the issues i;ve been having because i can not for the life of me remember having any of these issue before then or even when i was pregnant with Bug.

Over the last 5 years I've had horrible bouts of what i think was Norwalk Virus . The first time i caught it i was 2 weeks post Partum with LalaBear. I was sick for a week. So sick in fact that i was living in the bathroom because i could not move more than 3 feet from the toilet. It happend again at 4 months pp and again i lived in the bathroom for a week. (all of this WHILE exclusively breastfeeding)  My gut settled down for a while but was never really quiet. when LalaBear was 16 months old i basically stopped eating. I was still nursing her but every time i would put a bite or two into my mouth my guts would twist it seemed and everything would hurt. I'd automatically feel over full. A friend of ours saw me one day and said, in the most frank but caring way..
"You look like death, please see your doctor"
I had noticed that i was slimmer, but death? i couldn't see it. but i felt like utter crap by then and so i made an appointment with my GP.  That's when we found out that in the 2 months since this issue had started i had lost 15 lbs. Now that wouldn't really be much of any issue to most, but then you are already 122 lbs soaking wet... losing 15 of those lbs is a HUGE deal. I  weighed 107 lbs and when i laid back on the exam table, my stomach area was concave.
My GP ordered tons of tests and even an x ray to see if my intestines had some how twisted. Everything came back clean. WE didn't know what was wrong. I was given some medication and it helped alot and for 2 years things were good again. It took me a YEAR to gain back that 15 lbs i had lost though.
REcently the issues are starting to crop up again. The days spent in the bathroom, the unability to eat very much, the tiredness and lack of focus.

 this past week I seemingly lived in the bathroom again and took imodium just to function.
I  decided that I should over haul my diet. I chose to start off by going gluten free. this isn't exactly easy as my whole house is like a gluten factory. But it's been 3 days now since i went gluten free and things are slowly turning around. I think i may have Celiac Sprue... basically a sensitivity to gluten. i have not been diagnosed with any of this though.

I will be taking pictures of what i buy and make in the posts to come. Hopefully i can help my gut out a little by doing this.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Miss Cherryville.....

It's JUNE! where'd the time go! Well now that we are into the start of summer, although i must say it's not really looking like summer here most days, more like a wet spring. None the less it's working it's way toward hot days and warm nights.

On June 4th was the start of Cherryville Days! basically a big party for the community. and every year they have a Miss Cherryville pageant. Now This isn't the Toddlers and Tiaras type of pageant. We don't do outrageous hair, spray on tans and flippers. Oh now! This is Cherryville! We have more Cows than Humans here! So  we just have our girls in nice dresses and they answer a few questions about cherryville, then the community votes on who should be Miss Cherryville.

This year, Bug and Lala Bear decided that they wanted to be in the pageant. How it works is that you have a Queen and a Princess, working as a team.. so if you vote for one girl you vote for the team. Also, Each team represents  the road they live on so my girls, were Miss Creighton Valley Rd.
They girls got to walk in the parade, they were up on stage answering questions and generally just had a good time. The next morning was "Crowning"

Unfortunately, My girls didn't win, Miss Cherryville. Bug was very upset about it all. I can understand that. she was very sure that she'd win and when she didn't it hit her like a tonne of bricks. Poor little thing. but I had told her many times that she shouldn't just assume that she would win. I also think that family members of the winning team voted more than once. I just think that's a bit unfair. I also think that the pageant should have a Queen, Princess and then their "court" so that the girls who didn't get the title of Queen or Princess, still get a title. That way everyone wins. We actually had a group from a nearby community in our parade and they were the "Royalty" of that area. A Queen, Princess and their court... they even had Jesters! very cute! I think Cherryville should have the same thing. I also think that there should be something similar for the boys in our community as well. But since I didn't plan it, I have no say. I might try to be on planning board for next year so i can put my 2 cents in.

We did have a good time all around though. Lots of Sun, Lots of Fun.
Here are some pictures!!

My Princesses!!

Lala Bear saying "Vote For Me!!"

My Lovely Bug!

Me and the Littles!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

At Home Businesses - La Bella Baskets

So as promised in my last post, here is the first installment of the At Home Business Post Thread!
I'm going to try every few days or so to interview a independant sales rep and post about a different at home business that you can join up with and run from your own home.

Today is La Bella Baskets!  Here is my interview with Gift Consultant, Jennifer McClain!

La Bella Baskets sells gift baskets for every occasion and then some! New baby on the way? They have baskets for that! New Graduate? They have baskets for that! It's Father's day and you want to give the husband or father in your life something special? They have a basket for that too!!! So check out the interview and contact Jen for more details!

Me: What is the history of La Bella Baskets as a company?
Jen: La Bella Baskets was founded by friends and co-founders Janis Rodriguez and Mia Florides, who formed the company to help single mom be able to work and support their children. La Bella Baskets has consultants throughout the United States. The company is based in Texas. Our products are made and ship from our warehouses in the United States. All orders are shipped with in 1-5 business day.
Our purpose is supporting single moms with hardships through our Baskets Of Smiles Program:-)

Me: What is it's BBB Rating?
Jen: We do not have a rating, because the company is still fairly new. They are 100% legit because I receive a check every 2 weeks and I received a w-2 form in the mail for taxes.(known as a T-4 in Canada!)  If you do a search, there is nothing but great reviews on La Bella Baskets.

Me: What was your life like before you joined La Bella Baskets?
Jen: My life was pretty boring with nothing to do while my son is in school and had no money, until I found La Bella Baskets. I'm meeting new friends and networking, which is so much fun!

Me: What made you look for legit at home businesses?
Jen: What made me want to look for a legit home business, is because I have been scammed so many times and never seemed to get anywhere and wasted my money on every other company I've done. So happy I found La Bella Baskets!!

Me: What is it about La Bella Baskets that made you want to work for them?
Jen: It's an affordable home business. I don't have to meet a quota, hold inventory, or put to much money into it.You get to make money 3 ways and I love that!:-) I also like the fact that the company has a purpose to support single moms.

Me: How do you draw your customers in?
Jen: I'm working on the marketing part of the business right now and have a feeling by this summer, I will have customers very soon. I am working on radio advertising, banner advertising, free listings, post cards etc.

Me: Why is La Bella Baskets such a great company to work for?
Jen: La Bella Baskets is a great company to work for because there is so much support, everyone is always helping you and giving you ideas to build your business. La Bella Baskets is always making things better and bigger for us consultants and customers. You are never alone, someone is always there to help:-) We are going residual next month, not mlm just one level:-)More new and great things are happening for the company, consultant and customers.

Me: What level of success have you achieved with La Bella Baskets?
I am still Gift consultant but I just won the Team Spirit Award, and I'm very close to being gift director soon:-) I also have been buliding a great Big team with our referral program.

Me:  What are your continuing goals for your at home business?
To help my team succeed and My goal is to make it to diamond gift   director one day:-) I have been doing so many ideas for marketing: Currently have a radio staion commercial ad broadcast over the radio, having a review for our womens spa gift basket, a banner on a vendor site, post cards being mailed out to churchs, events, etc, and working on being on an other radio station, I was offered to be on their wedding portal on their site along with radio stream ads. So doing a lot of marketing on our gift baskets.
  So There you have it folks! If you are tired of the rat race and just want to work from home while caring for your children.. consider La Bella Baskets as a choice of Home Business!

If you are interested in learning more about La Bella Baskets and becoming a part of Jen's Team
Please contact her!
804-238-5425 eastern time

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wanting Something Better...

I think it's an age old dilemma. There isn't enough hours in a day to do all that you need and want to do.
You have to provide for your family, and for most of us that means working outside the home. spending 8-12 hours a day away from our families. We work for a paycheck that in this economy doesn't cover all the bills. Many of us are living paycheck to paycheck, and very few of us have money stashed away for emergencies.
My family and I are this way. With my hubby out of work because of a work related injury things are tight and I know I'm tired of it.
I want to be debt free, i want my children to be able to go to college and  not worry about needing student loans to help them pay for it. I want to have money saved in the bank so that if something happens we are ok. The icing on the cake for me would be being able to take my family on trips to places all over the world.

It's seems like most of us think the having some debt is normal. I don't think this way. Why would you be ok with  OWING someone else money that you've worked hard for?
There has to be a better way then killing ourselves working for minimum wage!

another dilemma is child care. If both parents work, then you're child(ren) have to go to daycare. Well the price for putting 2 in daycare (which would be what we would have to do) is alot, even with the government's child care subsidy. Most of the paycheck i would receive for work would go to paying for childcare... and what would be the point of that? If the point of working is to get ahead and your money is eaten up by childcare.... then you aren't getting ahead and merely surviving. I don't want to JUST survive.... i want to LIVE and enjoy it!

So, I'm on the hunt for a legitimate home based businesses. something i can work from my home computer and make some decent money at. Enough money that will help pay the bills and push us ahead.

I'll be putting up ideas on here about home based businesses in the weeks to come, as i weed out the scams and learn more about different businesses.
If you are interested, keep your eye out on the coming blog posts!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who cares! A Dog is a Dog.. Right?

I've been thinking a lot lately about our pets and how we treat them. We have 2 dogs on our farm. A 8 year old Flanders Bouvier/Rottweiler cross named Moustashe. He was named that because he has one, a characteristic of the Bouvier side of him. Belle is the newest addition to our farm, She is an almost 8 month old Bernese Mountain Dog/ Entlebucher Sennehund cross. If you aren't sure as to what a Entlebucher is... click here for more details. We found her though a family friend who's mother in law breeds Bernese Mountain Dogs. She also has a Entlebucher Female, who had a date with her Bernese Male  and VOILA! Puppies!  The Breeder, some would call a backyard breeder. I don't consider that so. Why you ask? Well because The Breeder went to high quality breeders for Belle's parents. The dogs are papered and have proof of pedigree. The dogs are healthy, given check ups before a breeding, genetic testing is done to ensure that the puppies will not inherit any genetic issues. Backyard breeders don't do this. They don't spend the time or money on this. Most backyard breeders just breed because they either didn't get the dog fixed or they think it would be a fun thing to do..maybe even make a little money on the side. It's just a Dog right? so it won't matter.
This is SO wrong to me. Breeding is so much more than just putting two dogs together and seeing what happens. A great breeder looks at each potential match like a General looks at a battle plan. The match is scrutinized again and again, attributes of each pair are judged and discussed many times before Anything takes place. Great Breeders breed for health, temperament, quality pedigree then for color and look. This isn't something they leave to chance. The breed of dog they chose is their passion and life's work. They want excellent puppies that will show off all the great things they love about their breed.

This brings me to Puppy Mills.

Here is the Wikipedia on Puppy Mills  
The dogs that are used in Puppy Mills are usually of poor quality to begin with. They have genetic abnormalities such as hip dysplasia, heart issues and respiratory conditions such as pneumonia. These are passed on to all the puppies these animals produce. More often than not, Puppy Mills breed there females on every heat Which runs down the mothers and there for the mother ends up unable to produce as many puppies or to properly nurse them.  The animals are kept in unsanitary conditions and small cages/kennels For all of their lives.They aren't socialized, aren't loved, are shown any compassion. In some puppy mills the dogs are so mistreated that you might find a few dead animals among the live ones. They are bred with out the thought of genetics and purely for profit.

Most pet stores get their puppies from puppy mills. they also are usually quite aware of the conditions inside puppy mills. It's all about supply and demand. The public sees that cute little puppy in the window of the pet store and on sight buys it, this makes room for a new puppy to be put in the window. The public demands, a puppy mills supplies. The public is usually un aware that the puppy they just bought has a genetic heart defect that will eventually kill it with in a matter of months. The Vet bills for that cute puppy in the pet store window can be expensive and in the end futile. It's a heart breaking cycle.

I'm not saying that everyone should buy pure bred dogs (or cats) and I'm not saying that mixes are bad either. What I'm saying is, most pet stores have their bottom line to think of, not their products.
There are many great dogs waiting at your local SPCA or Shelter for their forever home. They are usually cheaper to adopt than ones from a pet store, they are up to date with all their shots, dewormings and usually come already fixed. Yes those puppies in the pet store are awfully cute, but for every dog bought from a pet store, 3 dogs are put to sleep in shelters, just because of the lack of space.

If we stop buying puppies (or kittens) from pet stores, then the pet store will stop ordering them from Puppy mills. With no business coming in, the puppy mill will have to close it's doors. This will end the mistreatment of puppy mill dogs.

I believe that it's our duty as human beings to do right by our canine companions. They give us something no other animal  (including some humans) give us. Unconditional  Love and Acceptance. In return all they want is good food, warm shelter and a chance to be happy and live a good life. It's our job to make sure they receive all these things and good health care.
When we got Belle we knew that her health was in our hands. She is currently up to date with all her shots and is scheduled to be spayed next week to ensure that she stays in good health and does not have puppies. We are not interested in adding to the puppy population.  She and Moustashe are enough for us.

If you are interested in more information about Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders check out these websites

No Puppy Mills Canada
Best Friends Animal Society
Humane Society

Let's take care of our pets and strive to make sure that no pet is homeless.

Friday, March 25, 2011

There comes a time when...

When you lose the baby, but gain the boy.....

So Mr. Chubbs has really long hair. Since the day he was born until yesterday he was a shaggy little man. People would coo at us about how cute our baby girl was, even though that "she" was dressed as a He and doesn't really look like a girl at all.
Yesterday,  We chopped it all off. I held him on my lap as the very nice hair dresser started using the buzz clippers to buzz off his long dirty blonde locks. I held in my remorse as i watched her take one swipe after the other, the sound of the clippers chewing away my son's hair. I knew this had to be done, but as more hit the floor, i felt the protective mama bear in me want to shout out "NO! No more! This is the hair he was born with! He's my baby!" I wrangled that mama bear, and the tears. Oh boy did i want to cry. It seems silly, i know. But that hair was the last resonance of his infancy. The last bit of him that made him my baby boy. Now, he's almost 18 months old.. No longer that newborn baby boy, He's his own man now. With interests and dislikes all his own. When i think about it, the fact that I will never have a newborn of my own again, that this boy child is my last... Seeing that hair fall to the floor pangs me. It's like a arrow through my heart.

He doesn't look like my baby boy anymore, instead, a big boy has replaced him. And I love this new big boy, just as much as i loved that baby boy.... I'm excited to see who this big boy turns out to be.. But i think, mostly because he is the last baby I will ever have, I will grieve for that baby for a little while.

My Mr. Chubbs looks adorable in his new hair cut, ready to take on the world i think. I love it And I'm sure glad we had it cut. Here are the before and after photos of my big boy.


 Aww my little Sweet Boy

My Handsome Man!

Seeing Him grow makes life worth it for me.... So Goodbye My Sweet Baby Boy and Welcome To my new Little Man!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day!

Did you know that today is International Woman's Day? It is! Now I wanted to write a post on this topic because as many of you know i am involved in Girl Guides of Canada as a leader for a combined Spark and Brownie Unit. I am particularly interested in showing them the world and everyone in it outside of their backyards. So last week we did Thinking Day, which is on Feb 22nd but my family and I were all very sick and so i cancelled the meeting. so we did it last week instead. I had the girls play musical chairs while each of them held a sticker that had one of nine things on them : Food, Shelter, Education, Freedom,Saying what you think, Protection from harm, People you love, Religion, Respect. so we'd play music and the girls would go around the chairs after one was taken away. If a girl was left without a chair to sit on we would read out her sticker and decided whether or not the sticker was something we could live with out. We played until we widdled the stickers down to Freedom and Education. Now this was a big one for the girls. they couldn't decide which was better, which was something you couldn't live with out. It took us 10 minutes of arguing, convincing, thinking it through to come up with the answer that EDUCATION was something no one could live with out. SO why is education something you can't live with out? well without an education you can't get a good job, which mean you can't provide food or shelter for yourself, which means you don't eat, which means you'd get sick and you wouldn't be able to afford a doctor to get better, which means you'd most likely die. All the other stickers were unimportant once the girls realized what an education can do for you.
And this was the point of the game.
Now with today being International Woman's Day.. I though I would share some stats on Women in the world.

Did you know that 7 out of 10 of the world's hungry are Women and Girls?
Did you know that 70% of the illiterate are Girls and Women?
Poverty is the number one killer of Women and Children in 3rd world countries. Because they live in poverty they don't get enough to eat, secure and warm shelter and drink filthy water... all because they can not afford to do better.
In many countries such as Ethiopia, girls and women work twice as hard as men and are paid next to nothing for their hard work, Either in actual money or in the fact that they do not have enough to eat to sustain them in hard labor they do each and every day. girls are also married off to much other men when they hit around the age of 11-15. They are expected to care for the home, the animals and the many children they will end up having as a result of an early marriage. The leading cause of death for girls between the ages of 15-18 in African Countries is.... Pregnancy and Childbirth.

There are many more stats out there showing the large equality gap between men and women in our world.  I feel it is our duty as women, as members of our world to combat this injustice.
Here are some links to help you learn more about  International Woman's Day and  how to help with this cause.

Now I'd like to share a video from The Girl Effect Website.... I hope you are inspired by it to make change in the world.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Because she loves you.

My 5 year old daughter, affectionately referred to as "Lala Bear" is whole heartedly, one of the most emotional people I've ever met. She is kind, loving and very empathetic towards others. So this morning she haS preschool. Then, after preschool she is going over to a friend's house for most of the day. This is a win/win for us actually. She gets to hang with her bestie and i get to have the house to myself, well except for Mr. Chubbs.
So This morning she woke up with a request. "Mama, i want to make a necklace for my friend." I thought that was a great idea and i asked her why she wanted to make her friend a necklace, and she said "Because i love her" I thought that was very sweet. So we made a necklace for her friend and then we made a bracelet for her friend's mom because "I love her too". So there was my sweet little girl, the one who seems to think about how to express herself in many different forms, working hard on her necklace and bracelet for her friends. She was still in her pj's too. Told me that she HAD to make them before she did anything else because she wanted to make sure she did them well.
So here she is, with a little help from Mr. Chubbs making her items.
Very happy with her work!

Here is the finished products!

I'm so glad i have girls... They are something special indeed!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why is it?

Why is it when a parent leaves for an extended period of time... the rest of the house falls to pieces?
I mean really! My house has gone to ruins since Hubby left! well the parts where my kids live in the house at least. I could blame it on the fact that we've all been sick for the last 10 days or so... but I'd be lying. I mean yeah, being sick didn't help the situation.. but the house was turning into a episode of "Hoarders" for a few weeks before this illness hit.
I'm being honest. I am definitely not related to Suzy or anyone in the Homemaker family.. Well unless you include my Military Aunt... But that's the military rather than anything else. (I think.... maybe she is an orderly person anyways and the Air Force just kinda strengthened this in her)
I couldn't clean my way out of a paper bag. I hate cleaning, i hate picking up... I'd rather not do anything of the sort if i can avoid it.

So here I am, announcing to the world ... that My room (which doubles as a TV room) the area where our computer sits and the girls' room look like a tornado has torn through it on a daily basis.

I would totally clean it up and have attempted to do so on a daily basis.... but then.. i have children. Many of them (more than 2 is considered MANY! so there!) and they don't seem to understand the concept of "PUT IT AWAY"
So yeah I'm sitting here surrounded by everything we own in a total and complete state of perpetual untidiness..

ah yes... I love the smell of clutter in the morning...... *GAG*

Saturday, February 26, 2011

As the Sick Consumes Us

Ah yes, The insidious Flu bug has made it's rounds in my house this past week. Flu has been terrorizing other homes in our community as well... but it seems to have hit our house the hardest. It all started on Thursday, Feb 17th. I was feeling achy, sore and grumpy. This usually isn't how i normally feel so i knew something was up. after a trip to the dentist for Miss Bug for a chipped tooth and i was ACHING to get home and become reacquainted with my old friend Miss Heating Pad. by the time bedtime rolls around i was half out of my gourd anyways. Saturday the 19th was LalaBear's 5th Birthday Party. Although she didn't turn 5 until the following Tuesday, we had it on a more convenient Saturday instead. the problem with having a birthday party when there is an epidemic going around is that you either have everyone call to say that they are sick and won't be coming, which leads to a very sad little birthday girl OR Everyone comes even though they are horribly ill and in which case they spread it to you.
We did get a mix of both categories to the party. Lucky us.

I've dealt with sick kids before but i must say Mr. Chubbs takes the cake this time. within 24 hours of being around me and the other sick people at the party.. he got it too. A cough, stuffy face, achy joints, pain. By Sunday night he looked half baked and not in a good way. Rosey cheeks, a slitty eyed look. This look  stayed on his face until Thursday. If he wasn't sleeping, he was screaming. He looked a bit better Friday morning but by today he was worse again. I had to take him to a walk in clinic because no where else was open at 5:30pm on a Saturday!  The Dr. took one look in Mr. Chubbs ears and said "yup... He's got an ear infection"
Fun..... So now Mr. Chubbs is on antibiotics... and is on the mend hopefully.
My only issue now is LaLa Bear. She's crashing health wise it seems... She can kinda pull it together during most of the day it seems but once 3pm hits she's sliding downhill. Stuffy face, a cough, achy bones.. Enough to send her into tears at times. Poor little thing.. I hate seeing my kids sick. The only one in the whole house that hasn't gotten anything is Miss Bug! I swear to God that girl has steel for an immune system. It's very very rare that she is ever sick. Good genes i guess.
I'm feeling better thank goodness, just wiped physically from being so sick. My in laws have this flu now as well... they are not to happy about it either.
So yes Flu has grabbed ahold of this house... so we're on quarantine here.
Hopefully no one else catches it and Flu can just die off quickly.... and leave us alone! lol
I'm done with this sick stuff.. BE GONE FLU! BE GONE!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Sunday Funnies

Oh it's been a few days since i posted.. and I'm sorry for that. but life gets in the way sometimes!

Anyways! Here is this weeks installment of "The Sunday Funnies" Enjoy!

We are all sick. Every single one of us. Sick with a cold. LalaBear is not happy with me either. She insists that I gave her the cold she has. It true i most likely did.

All she says now is "I got Mommy germs! She gave them to me... This is not a good birthday present!"

Well i dunno how funny that is... but i think it's cute.
pics to follow from the party....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

P.I.E Parenting Isn't Easy

So I'm taking a Parenting class. I've done a few in my life since having children. It's not mandatory that i go to theses classes or anything, I'm going because i want to!  Imagine that! Anyways.. P.I.E stands for Parenting Isn't Easy and so far I'm having a good time with it.
The first meeting was last week and we talked about Self Care (for parents) and Self Esteem for Children. Here is what i learned.

Self Care is important to all parents. You can't care for someone else properly unless you are feeling properly cared for as well. Here are some tips to help with Self Care

Discover a Simple Pleasure: this can be something as small as getting up 10 minutes earlier to grab a cup of joe before the house stirs. Having a chance to collect your thoughts in silence before everyone wakes can help keep your sanity. and we all know that a sane mum or dad is a good thing.
Keep a Sane Pace: this means slow down! Stop rushing! you will see a change in yourself and your children if you slow down.

Give Yourself an extra 10 minutes: This would go along with keeping a sane pace as well. If you  set up an extra 10 minutes to do everything in your daily routine then You won't be rushing and causing panic in yourself and children. Peaceful days means peaceful nights! If you aren't rushed all the time you are able to focus better, relax and enjoy your children, who  in turn will relax around you. It's win/win.

Think of taking care of your home like Building a Bridge: You don't build a bridge in one day! It takes planning and time. Plan to do a certain amount of home management a day and that's it until the house is clean. Don't drive yourself crazy over it.

Stay Healthy: Eat Right! Drink Water: If you are at peak performance you are better able to give your children the best of you. This means getting enough sleep as well.

Create a Selfish Ritual: Find something you love to do and do it without guilt. This can be hard sometimes, especially for those of us who subscribe to "Mommy's Home Martyr" If you can't get away, how do you expect to stay sane? Don't feel guilty for leaving your little ones with a friend or a family member for a few hours. If you are refreshed and rejuvenated... your children will be too. Ab stance makes the heart grow fonder!

Self Esteem in Children
Well I got this handy little fridge magnet on 20 ways to show kids you care... Here is what it says:
1) Notice Them
2) Giggle Together
3) Tell them their feelings are okay.
4) Smile a lot.
5) Listen to them.
6) Share their excitement.
7) Be Nice.
8) Play with them.
9) Tell them of Terrific they are.
10) Cuddle them.
11) Read Together.
12) Make Time to Be with them.
13) Be Yourself.
14) Say Yes a lot.
15) Accept them as they are  (very important)
16) Hug them.
17) Be relaxed.
18) Build something together.
19) Be available.
20) Love them no matter what.

Hopefully this post will help you out in some way. Being in the P.I.E program has helped to remind me that sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.

Tomorrow will be about this Weeks installment of P.I.E  all about Daily Rituals, Traditions and Schedules and well as How Children Learn Through Play. Stay Tuned!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day......

Ah yes.... everyone's favorite made up holiday is back again this year. We've been seduced with red, heart shaped boxed filled with mediocre chocolates, fluffy stuffed animals holding those annoying but some how adorable heart pillows that say "I wuv you" on them for MONTHS now... and it's all leading up to today.  Valentine's day isn't a real holiday... you don't get the day off,  and you aren't paid time and half for it. It's a made up holiday so that card companies, stuffed animal companies and chocolate makers could make more money in a single day then they would in a whole year.
I mean there is most likely a history to this type of day. No doubt the Pagans had a love day, where they would wine, dine and um... well you get the idea. And to help the transition from Paganism to "Proper Religion" like Christianity, the big wigs most likely stole the concept and put a religious spin on it. (note: I do not see Christianity as a proper religion at all especially over other religions... I'm being sarcastic) St. Valentine was just a monk from what i understand... a monk who would preform marriages when it was outlawed to do so and the risk of his own neck. I guess that's romantic when you think about it. A man risking life and limb to keep love in the world. I'd celebrate that for sure.... but maybe not to the extent we do now.

Suddenly, what was just a wonderful, romantic gesture.. an inspiration even..has been twisted into a way to suck money from the average Joe. It's become a competition now of who can get the better gifts and so forth.
We women turn into skeptical beings when Valentine's day rolls around! We think if our other halves don't cough up the prettiest shinny thing out there then that somehow says subliminally that they don't loves us like we thought they did. Did you know that more relationships BREAK UP on Valentine's Day than any other day of the year? Yup it's true. Considering this is supposed to be the day of LOVE.... not much of it seems to be going around. Now for those of you with a special somebody in your life, who are very happy as you are and actually like Valentine's day and all it represents... Awesome! good for you. Having someone you love express themselves on any day is great, i guess with it being V day as well it means something more. although people expect grandiose gestures today so to me it would diminish the thought behind it. I'd rather get flowers or something when it wasn't expected (not that i expect anything on v day) I think that getting something out of the blue and "just because I love you" is much more exciting!
My Valentine is far away today. He's working hard to provide for us. I miss him and he knows that. He sent me a little Valentine's Day e card that was very sweet and i love. he sent one to the kids too.

It's never about the gifts though. I do enjoy gifts, who doesn't! But what I mean is, It's about the person in your life that lights up a room when they see you, the person that has seen you at your worst (Norwalk of 2006! remember hun? ) and your best (I'm not sure when that would have been! lol) the person who will kiss you even with dreaded morning breath just because your kisses are the best. It's about what the two of you share. Love is blind. it doesn't discriminate. Love nurtures, heals, protects. It isn't about toys, candy or flowers. Love is a free entity in the universe and can not be destroyed.

So if you have a special someone, even if it's your cat... grab a hold of that someone and give them a squeeze! spread the joy of love around... Cupid will be grateful.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Sunday Funnies

Do you remember when you were little and you'd steal your dad's Sunday paper because it had the most comic strips in it? Well think of The Sunday Funnies as just like that but staring my lovely children instead. I will try to put a funny up every Sunday that my kids have either done or said for your enjoyment....

So here is the first installment of "The Sunday Funnies"  sit back, relax, enjoy!

So I don't allow my children to watch too much TV. When they do have to much (which is rare, but happens mostly when we are having a "Lazy Day") they tend to be moody, mean and just unlikeable. so to make every one's life easier they kids are allowed 90 minutes of TV a day or one movie (no matter how long it is)
So today after a whirlwind trip into town for groceries and back, my girls (Bug and Lala Bear) were desperate for some tube time. I put them off as much as i could knowing that once they sat in front of the idiot box, it would take some coercing to get them off  again.
Lala Bear was insistent "Mama can we watch TV now"  "can we have the kid shows on now PLEASE PLEASE MAMA!" lol
Me: OK fine go turn on some cartoons
Lala Bear: Kid Movie!
Me: Cartoons
Lala Bear: KID MOVIE!
Me: How about Nothing....
Lala Bear: Yay! Cartoons!

Muwahahahahahaha.... Mama: 1 Kids:  0!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Great Day Out

Today was a GREAT day!
As i mentioned in my earlier post we went skating then sledding today with some friends! Lala Bear Has never really been on skates before so this was a new experience for her. She of course fell on her bum many times, but over all had a GREAT time! And she did really well considering this was the first time. She was off "shimmying" on her own with in 10 minutes of being at the rink. The air was crisp and clean, the girls had lots of fun. Now, Mr. Chubbs on the other hand, fell asleep in the car on the way to the rink and so did not participate... My MIL took him home for me so he could rest. The poor boy was just totally wrecked and needed his sleep. So there i was with just my girls and we were having a grand time! It was back to how it was a few years ago when it was just the girls.... and Mr. Chubbs hadn't been born yet. It was nice to just be with my girls. It's something i don't get to do alot anymore. Mr. Chubbs takes up a lot of my time, even now at 16 months old. We had a great time. Then about an hour later we decided that we had had enough of skating. Well Lala Bear and her friend Sophia decided they had enough of skating, Bug on the other hand wanted to stay all day. I had to promise her that i would bring her back to the rink again this coming week... I'm not sure how I'll manage to do that quite yet.. it's a busy week!
So We all piled into our cars and Kim and Sophia (along with Bug and Lala Bear ) drove to our house for SLEDDING! woohoo!
I had to wrangle our puppy, Belle first though. After her muzzle and leash were on, she was allowed to join out party outside. If you've been reading my blog, you know that I'm trying to calm our 6 month old pup down a little but teaching her that it's not OK to jump up on and bite anyone. I saw that she was being good so i took off the leash. The later took of the muzzle. Ah... yeah not such a great idea as she ran down our sledding hill and promptly grabbed little Sophia's arm and dragged her down the hill still on the sled.  Oh boy! I was slightly embarrassed by her bad behaviour.
Regardless, we had a great time and the girls were soaked through their snow pants and jackets... After about an hour of hanging out on the hill with Kim and Sophia, we decided it was til to call it a day. We made plans to meet up tomorrow if we weren't busy and said goodbye.

We all went inside and just hung out til dinner, which was tomato soup with macaroni noddles in it.. yummy!
Now after the little ones have their bath (the little ones being Lala Bear and Mr. Chubbs) we are now about to go play Lego Harry Potter on the PS3.

Goodnight Blogging World, Sleep tight.

This post is about...

Nothing, and Everything.
It's Saturday, The chores are pretty much done, No plans are on the horizon. Today is just a day.
So what does one do with  just a day? I spend it with my kids of course! We are going skating today at our outdoor community rink. A friend will be joining us as well. Then we will all head back to our home to use our awesome sledding hill!
It's funny, I'm usually the one who will hang out watching movies all day. I really am not a physical person at all. I was the girl in high school that would skip P.E on a daily basis because i hated it so darn much.
Lately though, I'm bored. TV is boring, my kids are insistent that we spend some quality time together in the snow. So I've gotten myself up and and ready to go... wanting nothing but a fun filled day.

Lala Bear has been vocalizing her emotions a lot lately. She misses her daddy a lot. She is telling friends and neighbours, heck! complete strangers about how much she misses him. It's hard for her. Although she is turning 5 in a few days ( 10 days!!) she doesn't quite understand that daddy doesn't come home from work every night anymore. It's so hard for me to explain this to her. We call him every night and that seems to help her a bit but she's been her daddy's right hand girl all her life and suddenly he isn't home. It's so sad to hear her talk about him. She's also been super sensitive lately as well. So I'm hoping a fun filled day with a best buddy (Our friends, Kim and her daughter Sophia) will help take her mind off missing her dad.
So here we go, off on a fun filled adventure to the skating rink! Lala Bear hasn't skated really before so we will see how it goes!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Laundry, Laundry Everywhere!

There isn't one thing in the whole world that I detest more than doing laundry. It's just a mundane, time consuming chore that seems NEVER ENDING to me. I do laundry everyday usually. Sometimes i skip a day here and there, but usually it's 1-3 loads of laundry a day.  Now on Monday i finished all the laundry in Bug and Lala Bear's hampers. They were overflowing  so instead of being 2 loads, it was closer to 5 loads. So i get to work on it! It took me 2 days to finish JUST their laundry from their hampers. (so laundry was started on Friday) It is now 3 days later and the hampers are over flowing AGAIN! How does this happen? I think this past week I've washed EVERY article of clothing they own at least once already (maybe even twice) but still the hampers are overflowing. This again will be a 2 day long chore, just for the girls' clothes. I also have to do 5 days worth of My and Mr. Chubbs clothes because I've just spent the better part of a week doing just the girls' clothes!
How does this happen! I don't get it. 2 girls should be going through  1 shirt a day, 1 pair of pants a day and 1 sock and undies a day.... that's 6 articles of clothing for 3 days per kid..... and trust me the hamper has at least 8 days worth of clothes in it. I don't understand at all.
So today I'm on load #2 already and waiting for the 1st load to finish drying. Ah yes... the dryer. Even though i hate doing laundry, i love our dryer. Odd i know. But if you consider that until 18 months ago we didn't have a dryer, it's not a hard to understand why i love our dryer so much. I mean before we got the dryer my ability to wash clothes was limited to how much of the wet laundry i could fit onto our 2 gullwing hang dryers.
Yep. I was only able to do 2 loads of laudry every 2 days as it would take a day and a half to dry the first loads... This of course was in the colder months of the year when using the outside line was impossible. There is no point in putting wet clothes out on an outside line to "Dry" when it's - 11 out. It doesn't dry.. it freezes.. to the LINE. So yes.. I love our Dryer. in 40 minutes (or less depending on the size of the load) i can get a massive amount of wet clothing, dry! Hurray for the industrial revolution!

Now if i could only find away to steal Mary Poppin's magical powers and just snap away all this laundry and have it clean, folded and put away into drawers.

Yes... drawers my children don't put clothes into....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Happy, Hectic Day

 So far today is a happy, hectic day for us here! This morning was Playgroup! Every Wednesday from 10am til 12pm a bunch of us moms get together with our kids and hang out. Well today was our Valentine's Party! We had food, Fun and there was tines of new babies there as well! All those cute babies makes me want another one ASAP! lol

After lunch it's Sparks and Brownies for me and my girls! Well technically Miss Bug is a Guide now but she likes to hang out with us. Lala Bear is an Honorary Spark Member as she has to be in Kindergarten to be a Spark and she doesn't start Kindergarten until this coming September. Anywho, This weeks is going to be about the Chinese New Year, which we would have done last week but we had to cancel the meeting because the other leader was very sick. So We're doing Chinese New Year this week and working on our Invitations to next week's meeting which is "Bring a Friend" Day!

I really enjoy being a leader for Girl Guides of Canada. I enjoy my sparks (k-grade 1) and my brownies (grades 2-3) and have a great time with them! So far we have worked on our "Being a Spark" and "Being Me" Badges for the Sparks as well as "Key To Me" and "Hurray for Reading" Badges for the Brownies.
Next month is Healthy Living for both levels.

My unit is a mixed unit because we had some interest in having Sparks as well as Brownies this year. I only have 3 sparks (4 if you count LaLa Bear) and I have 8 Brownies... so that i total of 12 girls, plus Miss Bug who comes along to help and sometimes Mr. Chubbs comes too. So altogether it's 14 kids! Mr. Chubbs has been deemed the unit's "Little Brother and Mascot!" lol My Unit Girls love to cuddle him and he loves the attention (what man wouldn't LOVE 13 girls fawning over him!)
I better get ready for Sparks and Brownies.. it wouldn't do if the girls knew i was LATE!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Hubby

Well now... Let me tell you about my husband.
He's 30... he's almost exactly 2 years older than me (that would make me 28 ) We are both Virgos. It's weird being in love with another Virgo. We are best friends and are loyal to each other to the end. Best relationship ever right? For the most part, yes. But He and I are both super stubborn.. so there are arguments over who's right alot. Hubby like to be right. I don't blame him... I love to one up him and totally tell the whole world how right i am! lol
He is French you know... Not French Canadian.. but real, full blooded french. He was born in France, in Savoie. So not only is he stubborn and thinks he's always right .... he can tell you in many languages how right he is! It's hard being a Frenchman's wife... he can be such a bastard, jackass, jerk... you name it, he's it.
But here i am almost 6 years later and I'm still with him. I must love him or something. lol

Anyways, here's an update on what my hubby is doing right now.
Sunday Feb 6th he left home and headed to Estevan, Saskatchewan. Monday morning he arrived. Yup 1200 km's in 24 hours.
He got to a buddy's house and rested for a few hours then hit the snow and ice covered pavement to hunt for a Rig job. 2 companies want to hire him and he is starting Weds! Pretty awesome!
I hope he passes his physicals and gets on a rig soon. The faster he gets on the sooner he can come home!!!

For all the annoying qualities about my hubby... There are more good ones. He's loyal, kind, thoughtful, respectful, funny, loving, gentle.. and family oriented.
He's doing this for us. He's braving HARSH winter working conditions because he wants to best for us!
And THIS is why i love him so darn much!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our Misbehaved Pup

Yes... We have a puppy. Her name is Belle. She will be 6 months old on Valentine's day. She is a Bernese Mountain Dog/ Entlebucher Cross.
She's misbehaved. She jumps out and bites the kids.  She runs at them and knocks them down. She barks and growls. If she does something bad she runs away and it's hard to catch her to give her a correction. This is all when she's off leash. When she's on her leash she listens! she's very good when on her leash. It's just off leash is an issue. I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I've read Cesar Milan's book "How to Raise the Perfect Puppy" and it wasn't what i thought it would be. Granted I ordered it by sight rather than reading some of it then buying it. (lesson learned!) So now I'm looking around for options. I've decided for the next few days, I will keep her on leash all the time. Inside the house and out. I'm hoping that my corrections and training sink in to her skull.
She is a great dog if you ignore the fact that she likes to use my children as teething toys. She's affectionate, lovable, laid back. Cesar would say that she's a medium level energy dog... a little higher than medium level energy. It's just when she's outside without a leash she thinks it's party time! and goes BONKERS!

Bug, the oldest, wants to return her. Belle tends to hone in on Bug though. she Targets Bug all the time and Bug has been bruised and scratched up many a time in the 4 months we've had Belle. I have no idea why Belle likes to eat Bug.. But i know it's got to stop.

Stay Tuned for Progress Reports!

A Somewhat Successful Night...

So I survived my first night alone with the kids. This in itself is an oxymoron. You aren't really alone if your with your kids, right? OH so wrong. You could be in a room full of people and still be alone. This was me last night.
I had all 3 kids with me, my in laws down stairs and I was still alone. Now I'm not actually trying to be negitive or depressing. It's just fact. SO i had gotten Mr. Chubbs down at 7pm, thinking "YES! an evening to myself" and the girls and I watched the special Glee that was on after the Super Bowl (Way to go PACKERS!) Then i sent them off to bed. although LalaBear seemed to have issue with the actual "go to bed now" part.
I sit down to watch something on tv, to relax, chill be ME for once. And low and behold, my wonderful "quiet evening" is shattered by the desperate cry of none other than.... Mr. Chubbs. Ah yes. The reluctant sleeper. My son hasn't slept through the night ONCE in his 16 months of life. My girls where doing this by 5 and 7 months of age. I am NOT used to this. Mr. Chubby sleeps in his crib which is sidecarred against out double bed. But let's face it people. He doesn't stay in his crib. He's a huge Mama suck and can not sleep well for long if his nose isn't pressed against my skin in some fashion.
So there i am it's 9pm and I'm trying to salvage what is left of my evening. Mr. Chubbs is wide awake and ready to party. So i decide that the best course of action (or in this case, no action) is to wait him out. He'll tire eventually, right?
Hahaha.... How gulliable I've become. it's midnight before i get to bed. I realize in that moment, the moment right before you drift off to sleep, that having Eric around played an important roll.
He's "The Magic Man" the one who tames our chubby beast to sleep.  I never really realized how important of a role he played before.  Considering that i went to bed at midnight and got up at 6:20 am in order to get Bug off to the bus on time, I'm not as tired as i thought i would be.
It's Preschool day today, and LalaBear loves her preschool. So now that I've had my norning shower (which i will admit isn't always a daily thing) I'll get LalaBear and Mr. Chubbs up and get ready to roll.

I'm prepared today. ready to take on the world. I have very few days like this.. It's a nice change.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The First Post

This is the first post on my Blog. This is what I'm going through right now.

My husband left today. No, it's not what you think. He's traveling to Saskatchewan to work as a leasehand on an oil rig. He will be gone for the next 30 days. I'm having a hard time with this, and he only just left today. See he and I haven't been away from each other for more than a few days, maybe a week at most. So knowing that i won't get to see him for the next 30 days just hits me right in the soul. Now I know i should feel lucky. My husband is gone for only a fraction of time compared to husbands who are also in the Military. The ones who are doing tours in Iraq and Afganistan. These Men (and women) leave thier families, thier children for months at a time. I know of one friend who is playing the waiting game as her husband does a 2nd tour over in Iraq. How she is able to continue on everyday is beyond me. I applaud her strength. I on the other hand.. Well I'm not so strong. My husband has been gone for 8 hours and I'm a mess inside. He called from Calgary to say he was stopping to rest and all was fine. Hearing his voice was a stab to the gut, no... The heart. I know that this is best for our family. The money he will make for one month on the rigs is more than double what he would make in a month at his old job. The reward for all this suffering is basically being able to get ahead of our debts and being able to travel with our kids and show them this wonderful world of ours.  Even knowing all that, it doesn't make the pain any less. I still miss him. I still wait for him to come around the corner with a funny joke or an interesting fact. My kids still think he's just gone to work and will be home for dinner. My middle child has been moping off and on all day. the baby seems to know that something's up and has been cranky all day. My Oldest is quiet.

Dear hunny... We miss you. Drive safe and come home soon.