Yes... We have a puppy. Her name is Belle. She will be 6 months old on Valentine's day. She is a Bernese Mountain Dog/ Entlebucher Cross.
She's misbehaved. She jumps out and bites the kids. She runs at them and knocks them down. She barks and growls. If she does something bad she runs away and it's hard to catch her to give her a correction. This is all when she's off leash. When she's on her leash she listens! she's very good when on her leash. It's just off leash is an issue. I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I've read Cesar Milan's book "How to Raise the Perfect Puppy" and it wasn't what i thought it would be. Granted I ordered it by sight rather than reading some of it then buying it. (lesson learned!) So now I'm looking around for options. I've decided for the next few days, I will keep her on leash all the time. Inside the house and out. I'm hoping that my corrections and training sink in to her skull.
She is a great dog if you ignore the fact that she likes to use my children as teething toys. She's affectionate, lovable, laid back. Cesar would say that she's a medium level energy dog... a little higher than medium level energy. It's just when she's outside without a leash she thinks it's party time! and goes BONKERS!
Bug, the oldest, wants to return her. Belle tends to hone in on Bug though. she Targets Bug all the time and Bug has been bruised and scratched up many a time in the 4 months we've had Belle. I have no idea why Belle likes to eat Bug.. But i know it's got to stop.
Stay Tuned for Progress Reports!
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